CRT 130 Beginning Iridology – 10 CreditsUpon completion of the three courses comprising CRT 130, a diploma will be awarded. IR 480 Beyond Basic Health through Iridology and Nutrition This course will introduce Iridology and the nutritional connection. The history of Iridology, what it is, and how to use the iris chart to detect specific patterns in the iris, will be taught. The physiology of iris signs will be explained, including iris topography and color variations. Other areas addressed are how Iridology can be used to locate inflammation, toxic material, and mineral deficiencies and estimate tissue integrity. Important information is given concerning the doctor-patient relationship. IR 404 The Science and Practice of Iridology I The student will learn specific techniques of iris readings and begin to practice using a magnifying lens. A study is made of the normal and abnormal iris and understanding fiber density. How to locate landmarks, the autonomic nerve wreath, and zones corresponding to each of the major body organs, will be explained. Interpretations of iris markings are detailed including types of inflammation, inherent lesion acidity and catarrh, tents, nerve rings, injuries, the lymphatic rosar, the scurf rim radii solaris brain anaemia, and the sodium / cholesterol ring. IR 405 Iris Wisdom and the Allied Healing Arts An advanced iridology and nutrition study that suggests office procedures for iridology and clinical nutrition. Special supplements for special needs are reviewed along with herbal combinations for certain ailments. A wide variety of research in the field of Iridology will be studied. Camera studies and lighting effects are covered. Computerized iris analysis will be demonstrated and explained. Interviews with Iridologists in from around the world are included. The student will learn how iridology may apply to many other healing arts such as chiropractic, homeopathy, acupuncture, and osteopathy.
CRT 131 Intermediate Iridology – 12 CreditsUpon completion of the four courses comprising CRT 131, a diploma will be awarded. IR 500 Techniques of Iris Analysis This course explores the body systems, how their reaction fields can be seen in the iris of the eye, and nutrients that are important for the health and proper function of each system. Types of lacanae, constitutional types, and subtypes such as neurogenic, hydrogenoid, uric acid, febrile, connective tissue, phyglandular, anxiety tetantic, and lipemic diathesis are studied. Colors of iris pigments and their meanings are reviewed. IR 510 Master Teaching Series I This course is based on a series of iris slides with written and audiotape commentary by Dr. Jensen to visually teach the markings of the iris according to The Science and Practice of Iridology. Acute, subacute, chronic, and degenerative lesions are shown and explained. The student will gain practical experience from looking at many different types and colors of eyes to discern physical conditions occurring in the body. IR 522 Iris Analysis and Related Forms of Natural Treatment The student will review the symbolic language of the interior world of the body through signs in the iris of the eye. Various methods of iridology will be reviewed including some sclerology. Case histories will be discussed. Herbal formulas, teas, tincture, oils, and ointments will be suggested as remedies. IR 560 Principals of Iris Analysis This course is based on the work of Josef Deck, a master Iridologist and founder of the Institute for Fundamental Research in Iris Diagnosis in Ettlinge, Germany. The student will learn about the history of iridology, heredity, iris constitutions, papillary disturbances and deformations, reflex markings, iris pigments, and transversals. It offers the student unique photographs taken at the Deck Institute with an iridoscope. The iridoscope was instrumental in aiding Joseph Deck to document his clinical studies of Iridology so that it could gain recognition as a true science in Europe.
CRT 132 Advanced Iridology – 9 CreditsUpon completion of the three courses comprising CRT 132, a diploma will be awarded. IR 611 Circular Patterns In this course the student will learn that the pupil replicates the brain, spinal cord, and nervous system. They will learn to discern between various deformations and flattening of the pupil and come to know what these indicate. Ways to assess the placement, quality, and shape of the collarette will be covered. The students will also review other circular phenomena such as contraction furrows, radial furrows and their implications. IR 650 Brown Eye Study An in-depth study of brown eye slides with written commentary by Dr. Jensen. The student will learn about markings of a brown eye and specific methods of analyzing the brown eye. Dr. Jensen will review actual case studies of brown-eyed patients. The student will also learn about the importance of lighting when taking a photograph of a brown eye. IR 660 Iris Analysis Lab The student will observe 20 pairs of iris slides of blue eyes, mixed eyes, and brown eyes. The student will study a full spectrum of iris colors and review all of the iris markings learned in previous courses. A detailed analysis of each of these pairs of eye slides and written detailed recommendations as if each pair of slides represented a client or patient will be required as homework.
CRT 141 Beginning IIPA Certification in Iridology8 CreditsUpon completion of the two courses comprising CRT 141, a diploma will be awarded. IR 404 The Science and Practice of Iridology I The student will learn specific techniques of iris readings and begin to practice using a magnifying lens. A study is made of the normal and abnormal iris and understanding fiber density. How to locate landmarks, the autonomic nerve wreath, and zones corresponding to each of the major body organs, will be explained. Interpretations of iris markings are detailed including types of inflammation, inherent lesion acidity and catarrh, tents, nerve rings, injuries, the lymphatic rosar, the scurf rim radii solaris brain anaemia, and the sodium / cholesterol ring. IR 480 Beyond Basic Health through Iridology and Nutrition This course will introduce Iridology and the nutritional connection. The history of Iridology, what it is, and how to use the iris chart to detect specific patterns in the iris, will be taught. The physiology of iris signs will be explained, including iris topography and color variations. Other areas addressed are how Iridology can be used to locate inflammation, toxic material, and mineral deficiencies and estimate tissue integrity. Important information is given concerning the doctor-patient relationship.
CRT 142 Intermediate IIPA Certification in Iridology11 CreditsUpon completion of the four courses comprising CRT 142, a diploma will be awarded. IR 510 Master Teaching Series I This course is based on a series of iris slides with written and audiotape commentary by Dr. Jensen to visually teach the markings of the iris according to The Science and Practice of Iridology. Acute, subacute, chronic, and degenerative lesions are shown and explained. The student will gain practical experience from looking at many different types and colors of eyes to discern physical conditions occurring in the body. IR 511 Pre-Cancerous Constitutional Types The student will learn about the research done by Broy, instructor at the Naturopathic College in Munich, West Germany. The three constitutions, which he found to demonstrate a high propensity for development of neoplasia due to metabolic and immunological weaknesses, will be discussed. Slides will be shown to demonstrate that each of these three constitutional types can be noted by specific markings in the iris. IR 512 Visions of Health This course consists of the study of the iris map and how the iris markings and signs relate to the human body. The student will review 56 iris slides with an audio commentary by Dr. Jensen. These slides depict various case histories of Dr. Jensen. He explains which signs to observe in each iris picture and how they correlate with the health condition of each person. The student is then required to analyze various iris slides. IR 561 Review of the Iridology Literature The student will study and learn from some of the most interesting journal articles in the field of Iridology. These articles are based upon research conducted throughout the world. From these articles, the student will learn how some of the most experienced iridologists conduct their practices. They will learn about various forms of iris photography. They will review specific case histories of clinically ill patients and what was observed in the irises of these people. Fascinating work with Chromotherapy and its effects on the iris will be also studied.
CRT 143 Advanced IIPA Certification in Iridology10 CreditsUpon completion of the two courses comprising CRT 143, a diploma will be awarded. IR 620 Advanced Iridology, Health and Nutrition This is a thorough, comprehensive study of iridology. Students will discover how iridology and nutrition work together as well as how each organ or tissue type has a unique chemical balance, which is in equilibrium with the chemical balance of the body as a whole. When nerves are depleted in any part of the body, nerve depletion is reflected in the iris. When a specific mineral is depleted in any organ, it is indicated in the iris zone for that organ. Research is covered on genealogy and predisposing genetic factors, and how signs of inherent weakness differ from those of acquired illness. Advanced computer studies are examined to demonstrate an objective scientific basis for validating the iridological methods of health evaluation. IR 630 Master Teaching Series II An advanced review of 140 iris slides with written and audiotape commentary by Dr. Jensen. This course will give the student advanced practical experience in iris examinations, learning to detect markings in the eye, and understanding what they represent. Emphasis is placed upon how to take care of the patient by the following: identification of underachieving elimination channels and major organs from iris analysis, reduction of toxic settlements with tissue cleansing, generation of new tissue with health building foods, and monitoring health changes with follow-up iris examinations and detecting changes in iris signs.
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