The Doctoral degree in Health Sciences encompasses the sum of the body, mind and spirit, thus caring for the whole person. Complimentary medicine can be thought of as the science of disease prevention or health promotion. The candidate for this program must hold a Master’s Degree as a prerequisite.
DOCTOR of HEALTH SCIENCE – 96 Credit Hours
RP 400 Essentials of Distance Education
This course is often the student’s first opportunity to try a distance learning format. It is designed to aid the student through his or her distance education journey. It will help the student know what is expected for distance learning and aid the student in finding the answers needed to accomplish this goal. Finally, this course will prepare the student on how to begin college writing.
NU 650 Nutritional Counseling: Dr. Bernard Jensen’s Approach
This is a course for the student who plans to counsel clients. It covers the digestive processes, bodily functions, and nutritional requirements. Vitamins, minerals, herbs, tonics, broths, wholesome beverages, acid and alkaline foods, and how each is used in the body is examined. Foods and their nutritional content are listed with an explanation of the ways they can be used for healing and maintaining health. A daily food program, elimination diet, fasting, and rules for eating are given. Some iridology methods are included in this course as a tool to assist the practitioner in better understanding the client. The blood and the importance of clean blood are emphasized as the student takes a step-by-step journey through the reversal process and healing crisis.
HS 673 Advanced Therapeutic Body Balancing
The student will be given training in scientific Advanced Body Balancing for many illnesses afflicting humankind. The goal of this course is to teach the specific natural knowledge and expertise to accomplish this objective with techniques and procedures that have been proven naturopathically to bring the body back into balance.
HS 681 Polarity Therapy
Polarity Therapy is a holistic health care system based on the premise that we are fields of pulsating life energy made up of specific frequencies known as the five elements; Ether, Air, Fire, Water, and Earth. A Polarity practitioner utilizes the tools of bodywork, exercise, nutrition, and verbal guidance to evaluate and balance elemental energies. Today, Polarity Therapy is under the guidance of the American Polarity Therapy Association (APTA) and is practiced around the world. This course meets the standards for Associate Polarity Practitioner set by the APTA. This comprehensive course features Polarity Therapy theory, and energy balancing through bodywork, nutrition, exercise, and evaluation.
HS 680 Medical Massage
Swedish massage has now secured its position as a recognized therapeutic technique, useful in both medical and general treatment. However, if it is to be used to an advantage as a therapy, it must be employed with knowledge, skill, and perfection. This course describes, in detail, the various movements of massage to enable the student to help a fellow human being in the restoration and maintenance of good health. Medical Massage covers practical applications for pathologies, disease, deformities, and disorders of the physical body.
HS 692 Holistic Healing and Natural Remedies
This course will present the opportunity to review a wide range of current literature in the field of Holistic Health Care. Students will be encouraged to compare information and research work by different authors. The purpose of this course is to give the student a base of knowledge to teach others about healthy lifestyles, natural remedies, and nutritional healing methods that promote health, detoxify the body, and help to overcome disease.
HS 691 Psychology and Spirituality
This course will teach the student ways to explore the mind and apply the universal healing principle in all aspects of consciousness: mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical. The purpose of this course is to show the student that specific occurrences such as ill health, poverty, and poor relationships are directly created by thought. This course will offer the student the tools necessary to make positive changes within consciousness and, therefore, within life expression and experience.
HS 686 Manual Lymph Drainage: Application and Treatments
This course will offer proven and direct techniques of Manual Lymph Draining (MLD) for overall health and cosmetic benefit. The course will cover the history and philosophy of MLD, as discovered by Dr. Emil and Estrid Vodder, through specific treatment guidelines for various ailments.
PY 606 Practical Approaches to Common Mental Disorders
The student will learn how to recognize and treat mental disorders most often encountered in daily clinical work. This course attempts to bridge the gap between cognitive behavioral approaches and ego psychological interpretations. Disorders are seen as emerging out of the individual’s struggle with self and environment. These techniques are not mutually exclusive but are interactive and geared toward creative change and alternatives. The specific disorders covered include: depressive disorders, anxiety disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorders, eating disorders, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress syndrome, sexual dysfunction, and schizophrenia.
AD 682 Addictive Behaviors
The natural history and social etiology of addictive behaviors are examined thoroughly.
AD 683 What Works in Drug Abuse Epidemiology
An excellent overview of a state-of-the-art drug abuse epidemiology providing the necessary information to approach the first step in solving the drug abuse problem; along with describing and identifying the elements that contribute to it. Featuring lively and descriptive accounts of drug abuse epidemiology from drug abuse researchers, public health experts, and social scientists as they gather and evaluate critical drug abuse information for the particular population served. Authoritative contributors offer practical advice regarding what works in drug abuse epidemiology, what doesn’t work, and the reasons why.
HS 646 The Narrative Report
RP 600 Data Gathering and Analysis
This course focuses on data collection from the standpoint of knowledge dissemination and utilization. This focus requires students to understand the process of data gathering from the perspectives of research and development, social science, and problem formation and solution. This course also reviews statistical inference and description. These competencies are addressed by topic in the course presentation.
RP 601 Research Methods
This is a survey course on research in the managerial, natural, and social sciences. It focuses on the ‘whys’ and ‘hows’ of doing research including the areas of experimental design, data collection, types of data analysis, and presentation of results. While we explore the kinds of analysis data are subjected to and when each kind is most useful for enabling us to draw reliable conclusions, there is no actual statistical analysis in this course.
RP 602 Professional Publishing Methods
Publishing one’s work in books, journals, or magazines can boost one’s career, but having an advanced degree does not guarantee that a person will be published. In this course, the student will learn how to develop ideas for publication in books, professional and popular journals, how to sell those ideas to editors, and how to write books and articles in plain and understandable English.
RP 605 Research Project
The Ph.D. candidate will demonstrate, using standard research methods, new knowledge in a field of study that represents his/her degree path. A Précis, outlining the topic and a specific problem to be solved, must be submitted to the candidate’s committee for pre-approval. Depending on the nature of the research, the candidate will be required to prove or disprove a stated solution or theory through documented research, data gathering, and data analysis. A summation of the findings must be submitted in written form. The written research project will be included in the candidate’s dissertation as an appendix, with its own bibliography.
TH 610 Ph.D. Dissertation – 25,000 word Minimum
*Prerequisites HS 464 and HS 564